The Many Different Ways Saffron Supplements Work For Weight Loss

By Milagros Palleschi

Saffron is a product of the plant known as Crocus sativus. It's most popular application is in the kitchen, both as a spice and a coloring agent, but it may also be used to alleviate a wide range of health problems. But of all the benefits that it can offer, people are most interested about saffron for weight loss. Ever since being recommended by the great Dr. Oz, it has indeed gained worldwide fame.

According to Dr. Oz, using saffron for weight loss has its merits mainly because of its ability to tone down a person's appetite and cravings. If you are among those people who go on an eating spree when you're bored, upset, or angry, you might not be aware that it is contributing to your weight gain. Come to think of it, you don't really care what and how much you eat when you're in bad mood right?

In a clinical study, it was revealed that saffron could promote weight loss because of how it alters the brain's production of serotonin to aid in the suppression of appetite and cravings. It is said that serotonin can significantly affect a person's psychological and physiological functions such as behavior and mood. Experts believe that increased serotonin helps influence the weight loss process.

Dr. Oz himself took initiative in confirming the efficacy of saffron for weight loss and thus he conducted an experiment involving two women with emotional eating habits. Over the weekend, they were given saffron supplements without restricting their calorie intake. As a result, both women experienced less desire to snack even under emotional stress. Both also lost weight of a total of 8 pounds.

In another study that was published last 2010 in Nutrition Research, 60 mildly overweight women were divided into two groups, with the first group being given a saffron supplement while the other group was given a placebo. The group that took saffron for weight loss was able to reduce their snacking by a significant percentage while the other group had minimal results.

It is important to be aware that many of the clinical studies involving saffron for weight loss made use of Satiereal, a proprietary blend of saffron that has been mentioned by Dr. Oz in his show. According to studies, Satiereal saffron supplements can also help a person to shy away from sugary foods, which can be a big factor in additional weight gain.

In addition to having applications as a weight-loss supplement, saffron extracts may also help provide relief for other health problems such as asthma, coughing, heartburn, insomnia, intestinal gas, and dry skin. Women who have problems with menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome may also benefit from this supplement. Experts also believe that it can act as an aphrodisiac as well.

With all the claims of efficacy on saffron for weight loss, it is still a good idea to incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise in your program if you want to achieve the best results. As Dr. Oz always says, these supplements must never replace diet and exercise, but instead enhance your weight-loss program. Always remember that there is no such thing as a "magic pill" for weight loss.

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