Reason Why Diabetes Counseling Improves The Well Being Of Patients

By Gregory Powell

There is a growing number of young adults below the age of 20 that claims they have diabetes. There are at least eighteen thousand youths diagnosed with type one and at least five thousand diagnosed with type two. But the highest rate affects the American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

Juvenile refers to patients who are insulin dependent usually developed during childhood and teenage years but develops at any point in life. However adult onset develops after age thirty five, but there is an increasing number of younger individuals developing type 2, and this is called non insulin dependent. Hence it is necessary for patients seek their general practitioner for diabetes counseling, so they can take action before the disease becomes worse.

Patients are classified under two categories. Patients who suffer from lack of insulin production and those who produce insulin, but their cells body are resistant to the insulin. Detecting it inside at an early time help prevent the development of increased risk for the patients.

There are at least four test that help determines a patient is a candidate. There is the A1C, OGTT, Casual, and FPG and all these must be conducted within a clinical setting that is private and sterile. More over a doctor often repeats these test again, but if two different test show that the clients sugar levels are very high then a second test is no longer needed.

Prediabetes symptoms often go undetected because they rarely appear. And most victims move on with life not knowing they have any of these. So regular symptoms might not show, but high risk complications such as numbing of the hands and foot, ketones and ketoacidosis, nephropathy, increased high blood pressure, gastroparesis, stroke, and HHNS occur instead.

But if the results from the assessment test show that high levels of blood glucose is present in your test. And a 2nd test is not needed to reconfirm whether you have diabetes or not. But two separate test which both results in positive would dictate that you have one.

Four test that is conducted so a doubtful patient must undergo to determine the validity of their disease. These are FPG, OGTT, A1C, and Casual each of these have their own unique purpose to help doctors diagnose and determine if abnormal levels of blood glucose is present in the body. Furthermore individuals who have noticed differences in their body whether it is through their weight or eyesight consulting a health care professional would increase the chances of preventing difficult complications from occurring.

However the random or casual tests are conducted within several times in the day. And patients who have been diagnosed with severe disease often use this test to check their levels throughout the day. Therefore it is common sense for patients to see their doctor, but a good way to prevent the onset of this especially the insulin resistant types.

And the casual test happens to patients who are diagnosed with severe diabetes. And this is often conducted any time of the day for several times. Consequently it is necessary for individuals to meet with their primary health carer to discuss these test.

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