Important Facts About Gastric Bypass Surgery

By Pamela Graham

There are a number of surgical interventions for weight loss for New York City residents. Gastric bypass surgery describes the process of dividing the stomach into two parts and then reconnecting the two using the small intestine. A typical patient who qualifies for this kind of surgery are those suffering from serious weight issues, particularly those whose body mass index is beyond 40. Diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea are some of the co morbidities for which this procedure has been shown to be beneficial.

Creating a smaller proximal portion of the stomach helps restrict the quantity of food intake. Gastric bypass procedures (GBP) can employ variable techniques to achieve the desired goal. Laparoscopy is the most common technique employed today. However, open surgery can be done in select cases. Laparoscopy involves making a number of incisions or channels to access given areas of the alimentary canal using a telescope and operating instruments.

It is important to be aware of the complications that may arise so as to assess the risk of the procedure and mortality related to it. Compared to laparoscopy, open surgery is associated with a higher rate of complications. Some of these adverse effects may occur just like in any other major surgery while others may be related specifically to gastric bypass procedures (GBP).

Peritonitis or abscesses are complications that are likely to occur as a result of making surgical incisions in the abdomen. Observing sterile measures and diligent wound care are some of the practices that keep infections at bay. Nosocomial infections such as sepsis and pneumonia can be treated through use of antibiotics as a short term form of management.

Blood thinners are usually administered prior to the operation to reduce the chances of venous thromboembolism. Venous thromboembolism occurs when a clot travels via blood from its original location to other organs, particularly the lungs. Without prompt diagnosis and intervention, this complication is potentially fatal.

Abdominal surgeries may also be associated with bleeding, bowel obstruction and hernias. Hemorrhage can be attributed to blood vessel rupture during the procedure. Arrangements should therefore be made preoperatively to make blood available for transfusion if needed. The types of hernias that occur in such cases are known as incisional hernias and are likely to occur when the surgical wound fails to heal as expected. These are not only painful but can also cause kinking of the bowel.

This procedure has numerous benefits when done right. Not only does it result in desired weight loss, it also reduces the effects of co morbidities significantly. An example is essential hypertension which is remedied in over seventy percent of patients subjected to the operation. Requirement for drugs in the remaining thirty percent is markedly reduced. Hyperlipidemia is also corrected in up to seventy percent of individuals.

There are a number of downsides though. People who have undergone gastric bypass experience both emotional and physiologically changes. They may get depressed as a result of having to adjust their food intake. With low intake of food, they may end up with low energy levels and muscle weakness. Consequently, they are likely to face challenges in carrying out strenuous activities such as lifting heavy objects or even climbing stairs. Fortunately, these issues get resolved over time as food consumption gradually increases.

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