How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight Easily And Enjoyably

There are many reasons why yoga is so popular with people trying to lose weight - one of the main reasons is that it WORKS! Here are three ways that yoga helps you to start losing weight easily.

1. Yoga relaxes your body and mind.

Being overweight is an indicator that something is out of balance in your life. Excess stress is a big factor that contributes to weight gain.

Yoga is an easy way to help you relax. When you practice yoga, you bring a deep sense of relaxation to your body and your mind. As you relax, you begin to ease the stress in your life, and weight loss will begin to happen naturally.

2. Yoga assists detoxification.

Being overweight is a sign that your body is high in toxicity. Detoxifying your body can help you to lose weight for good.

When your body is toxic, it means that your detoxification organs (such as your liver and kidneys) may not be working effectively. When these organs aren't working optimally your body will tend to hold on to excess weight.

Doing yoga is an excellent place to start detoxifying your body. Yoga tones up the inner organs and helps them to work optimally again. Breathing deeply during yoga is an important part of detoxification.

There are specific poses in yoga that assist detoxification, such as yoga twists. Self massage in yoga is highly recognized in the East as a powerful tool for detoxification.

3. Yoga helps release stuck emotions.

What most weight loss experts won't tell you is that being overweight almost always has an emotional component.

In everyday life, we often address negative feelings with food or other addictions. Used in this way, food is used to numb or suppress feelings. Left unaddressed, these "pent-up" feelings can become stuck in the body.

Yoga is one tool that you can use to access and release these stuck emotions. Many people describe walking out of yoga class with an incredible feeling of lightness.

Being on the yoga mat gives you the opportunity to notice your feelings. Not only does yoga help you to notice how you're really feeling, it also helps you connect with your personal power so that you have the courage and confidence to express how you feel.

Yoga is a powerful healing tool as it aids relaxation, promotes detoxification and helps release stuck emotions. Based on my own experience, I can personally recommend yoga as a path to losing weight naturally and keeping it off for good!

Click here to learn how to lose weight, relieve stress, and transform your body and life with yoga:
Article Source:,_M.A.