Top 6 Reasons to Be Fit and Healthy

People work out for all kinds of reasons. Of course there are the traditional reasons like "lose weight", "gain muscle", "get off the couch" and things like that.

But, I have some other reasons you may never of heard before. Yes, this will be different than what you have read before, but I'm also look at Fitness and Health a lot different that most others.

So, all that being said, I'll outline MY version of the top 7 reasons to be fit and healthy. It may come across as cliche to you, but then again, it may not. You may get a chuckle out of these 7 reasons, or it may make you mad. The thing to remember is these are MY 7 reasons. Not some doctor, not some expert book, not some guru somewhere, just me and me alone. OK. All that being said, let's get to the list.

The Top 6 Reasons To Be Fit and Healthy

Reason #1: You can be more comfortable hanging around with other Fit & Healthy people.

Reason #2: You will never again have to eat those nasty fast food burger and fries.... Biggie Style!

Reason #3: Think of all the great tasting water you get to drink!

Reason #4: WOW! You'll look so much better on the beach than those non fit & healthy folks. Which instantly gives you more "beach-cred"....if you know what I mean. *wink-wink*

Reason #5: You can save time shopping at the grocery store because you'll eliminate the potato chip isle!

Reason #6: You'll look MUCH better wearing those muffin-top shirts than the people who aren't Fit & Healthy.

There you have it, a great list to use for motivation!
Oh, and one more thing, you are my guest and you are invited to check out what's being offered at "The Interview Series" and see who our next Fitness Expert interview will be. Go to for more details.
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