7 Powerful Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight Without Spending Any Money!

Health experts around the world have concluded in their
researches that a high percentage of American are overweight.
There are many reasons to this modern world's disease. Amongst
them are diets, lifestyles, genetic.

The fact is the problem is ballooning. It is fair to say that
apart from quitting smoking, weight loss is probably the single
most important factor determining the quality and duration of
our lives.

In the past 50 years, weight loss industry has quickly blossoming
into a multi billion dollar industry. Weight loss products are many
and varied. They range from weight loss exercise programs to weight
loss pills to surgery to diets etc. Unless a person is well informed,
he or she can spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on these
products and may very well end up in the same weight position as before.
Weight loss does not have to be expensive nor short lived. The truth
is the American obsession with weight loss is unrealistic. In some
cases, even harmful. Weight loss is often being treated as a
"quick fix" or short-term goal.

The following is a list of 7 simple yet powerful tips which will
help you lose weight naturally and permanently without costing you
any money.

1. Write Down Your Weight Loss Goal

Start with the end in mind. Write down what you would like to
achieve with your weight at the end of a specified date. Work
backwards and break your final goal to mini goals with deadline.

2. Affirmation

Affirm and think from your goal everyday, do it every morning
and every night before you go to bed. Visualise yourself in your
perfect sized cloths.

3. Measure Your Progress And Celebrate Success

It is important to keep track of your progress and measures
it against your mini goals. Remember to celebrate your success
and reward yourself whenever your goals are achieved.

4. Regular Exercise

Get active, physically. You should exercise regularly, indoor and

5. Proper Diet

Drink plenty of water. Cut down on fried, fatty food, fast food.
Replace them with balanced and nutritional food. Never, ever
starve yourself. It will not help you to lose weight.

6. Get Support

Surround yourself with motivated people who are on the same path as you.
There are many forums on the internet which you could join for support
and advice. Share your goals and achievement with close friends who truly
understand and support you.

7. Stay Motivated

There are a lot of noise and distractions surrounding weight loss.
Your only responsible is to stay focus on achieving your goal
following whatever weight loss method you have decided. It is
very easy to get distracted during the process especially if
you do not see the results immediately. What you need to
remember is anything worth pursuing is worth the wait.
So, stay focus.

There you have it. 7 simple yet powerful weight loss tips to help
you lose weight naturally and permanently. Remember, the key
to successful weight loss is 80% mind power and 20% knowing
how to.

Read More About Weight Loss Tip [http://weight-loss.health-and-family-center.com]
Lee Leong is the owner of Best Weight Loss Program [http://weight-loss.health-and-family-center.com] which specializes in providing 100% free weight loss information, tips, diets and more for everyone.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Leong