How to Lose Weight Naturally

There are tons of weight loss plans to choose from-it seems like every "expert" in the world has a plan, a book, or a supplement designed to help you lose weight. Eating foods at a certain time of day, taking chemical laden supplements, and doing so-called "fat burning" workout plans won't help you lose weight-but here are some simple, natural ideas that will:

1. Drink more water: Most of us don't get enough water during the day. You need a minimum of 64 ounces (or eight 8 ounce glasses) of water a day for good health. How does drinking water help you lose weight? It is easy to mistake thirst for hunger-and grab a snack when what you really need is a drink! Water also helps you feel "full", and prevents water retention, so drink up!

2. Eat good grains: Carbs are not the enemy. Good quality, high fiber grains are a dieter's best friend! Not only do they help you feel full for a longer period of time, they give you extra energy, and optimize your digestive health. To aid weight loss, make sure the breads, pastas, and cereals you are consuming are made from whole grains, not processed white flour.

3. Take a walk: If you are currently sedentary, any exercise will help you lose weight. Taking a daily walk will get your metabolism moving, speed up your weight loss plan, and even help your heart! Daily activity is one of the best ways to improve your overall health-the weight loss that occurs is just one of the benefits of exercise. You don't have to join a gym, or be able to run a mile-just grab some comfy shoes and walk for about 20 minutes each day.

4. Know how many calories you need: You are a unique individual, and you will need to tailor your plan to your unique needs. The simplest way to do this is to determine how many calories you should be consuming a day-and stick to it! First, determine your goal weight using a BMI (Body Mass Index) chart. Next, look to see how many calories a person of that weight needs per day. Use this number as your target number of calories-and stick to it! If you are eating fewer calories, you will naturally begin to shed some pounds.

5. Don't clean your plate-or anyone else's: Want to lose weight? Leave some food behind on your plate! Just because an item is on your plate doesn't mean you have to eat all of it-stop eating when you are full. You should also be wary of finishing up the food your kid's don't eat-those last few bites of pizza may put you over the limit!

6. Expect it to take some time: Chances are, you didn't gain weight overnight-and you won't lose it overnight, either! If you have a lot of weight to lose, it may be better to set smaller goals, to make your project less overwhelming. Expect to spend some time losing weight, and celebrate little milestones as you reach them.
Following these simple tips will help you to lose weight naturally, and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you would like to get some more advise and tips on how to lose weight naturally and the healthy way, why not check out our website []
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