You already know that you should drink more water. It's something
your mom has told you. Your teacher went on about it at school. The
doctor probably mentioned it at some stage. And the countless diets
books you've read devoted chapters to it that you probably just skimmed
through. If you are anything like me, though, you hate being told what
to do without knowing why you have to. However, I did find water very
beneficial in my own weight loss and overall health. So why is drinking
water a quick and easy way to lose weight fast?
It's an appetite suppressant
You may have heard experts saying that you should drink a glass of water when you feel hungry in case your body is confusing thirst with hunger. Even if your body is smart enough to tell the difference, you may be able to trick it into thinking that it is fuller than it is by filling your stomach with some calorie-free water before you eat, meaning you have less food at your meal. This is a quick and easy way to lose weight fast. If your water choices are ice cold, they could even assist you in burning calories because your body requires energy to heat the water up to body temperature. This provides a calorie-free boost to your metabolism. Personally, I've found that drinking very cold water does curb my hunger, but so does drinking water that is very hot - such as unsweetened tea. Both have been effective in my case, so try them out and see what works for you.
It prevents water retention and washes out toxins
Most women know the feeling of water retention because so many things can cause it, from a salty dinner to PMS to air travel. The bloated feeling you get when retaining water makes you feel fatter and weigh more than you actually do. While there are all sorts of tablets, homeopathic remedies, and spa treatments that you can endure to relieve this condition, drinking water regularly can encourage your body to release retained water because so much of it is available. This is quick and easy way to lose weight fast if water retention is at fault for your excess weight. At the same time, it will wash out toxins from your body and helps sooth headaches caused by toxicity or dehydration. I used to suffer from chronic headaches, which have abated since I've begun drinking water regularly.
It tones your muscles and makes you skin supple
It's no secret that your skin requires moisture to remain soft and radiant, which is why you add moisture-enriched cream to it twice a day. In fact, if there is a fountain of youth, it's probably made of fresh, clear water. In fact, supermodels drink several glasses every day to ensure that they look their best. However, did you know that your muscles also need water as desperately as your skin does? Dehydrated muscles are very difficult to tone, and if you have a lot of weight to lose, adequate water intake can help prevent your skin from becoming saggy, which could otherwise happen if you choose a quick and easy way to lose weight fast. In my case, water has done wonders for my complexion. My skin is clear of spots and everyone thinks I'm much younger than I am. And it keeps me thin? What's not to love?
The recommended 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is what you should be aiming for. If you absolutely cannot stand it plain, try soaking some fresh mint leaves or lemon wedges in a pitcher. You want to stay away from the weight-sabotaging flavored water options that will prevent the quick and easy way to lose weight fast with water. Soon enough, you'll get used to the taste of fresh water. And acquiring the taste will be worthwhile as you watch those last few pounds melt away in a quick and easy way to lose weight fast.
It's an appetite suppressant
You may have heard experts saying that you should drink a glass of water when you feel hungry in case your body is confusing thirst with hunger. Even if your body is smart enough to tell the difference, you may be able to trick it into thinking that it is fuller than it is by filling your stomach with some calorie-free water before you eat, meaning you have less food at your meal. This is a quick and easy way to lose weight fast. If your water choices are ice cold, they could even assist you in burning calories because your body requires energy to heat the water up to body temperature. This provides a calorie-free boost to your metabolism. Personally, I've found that drinking very cold water does curb my hunger, but so does drinking water that is very hot - such as unsweetened tea. Both have been effective in my case, so try them out and see what works for you.
It prevents water retention and washes out toxins
Most women know the feeling of water retention because so many things can cause it, from a salty dinner to PMS to air travel. The bloated feeling you get when retaining water makes you feel fatter and weigh more than you actually do. While there are all sorts of tablets, homeopathic remedies, and spa treatments that you can endure to relieve this condition, drinking water regularly can encourage your body to release retained water because so much of it is available. This is quick and easy way to lose weight fast if water retention is at fault for your excess weight. At the same time, it will wash out toxins from your body and helps sooth headaches caused by toxicity or dehydration. I used to suffer from chronic headaches, which have abated since I've begun drinking water regularly.
It tones your muscles and makes you skin supple
It's no secret that your skin requires moisture to remain soft and radiant, which is why you add moisture-enriched cream to it twice a day. In fact, if there is a fountain of youth, it's probably made of fresh, clear water. In fact, supermodels drink several glasses every day to ensure that they look their best. However, did you know that your muscles also need water as desperately as your skin does? Dehydrated muscles are very difficult to tone, and if you have a lot of weight to lose, adequate water intake can help prevent your skin from becoming saggy, which could otherwise happen if you choose a quick and easy way to lose weight fast. In my case, water has done wonders for my complexion. My skin is clear of spots and everyone thinks I'm much younger than I am. And it keeps me thin? What's not to love?
The recommended 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is what you should be aiming for. If you absolutely cannot stand it plain, try soaking some fresh mint leaves or lemon wedges in a pitcher. You want to stay away from the weight-sabotaging flavored water options that will prevent the quick and easy way to lose weight fast with water. Soon enough, you'll get used to the taste of fresh water. And acquiring the taste will be worthwhile as you watch those last few pounds melt away in a quick and easy way to lose weight fast.
To speed up your weight loss efforts even more, though, you'll
need an effortless plan that will literally strip the fat
[] from your body. Visit
[] for a review of the best options for a
quick and easy way to lose weight fast, including the one that helped me
finally get back into my wedding dress again!
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