Can You Lose Weight By Just Drinking Green Tea?

Drinking tea is no longer confined to the four walls of China or India. The healthy habit has spread across thousands of miles and numerous countries that acknowledge the health benefits rightfully claimed by this green drink which the Chinese have known for more than 4000 years. A few known benefits of drinking green tea include:
  • Speeding up metabolism
  • Increasing energy
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Enhancing mental function and focus
  • Promoting healthier skin and fighting aging
  • Enhancing oral health
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Protecting the body against disease
  • Preventing cancers
Maybe it's about time you consider alternating your regular feel good soda drink or coffee with a cup or two of hot or cold green tea. If you have issues with your health, that switch may actually help resolve some of those issues.

Where Does Tea Come From?

A plant called Camellia sinensis is where all four types of tea - black, oolong, white and green, come from. You must have encountered this information from one of the numerous materials available online and which can be downloaded for further reading. All except green tea goes through the process of oxidation. Hence, only the green variant retains most of the healthy ingredients and powerful antioxidants that make all those health benefits possible.

Greens Help Lose Weight

Greens can refer to green vegetables rich in fiber, which aids digestion and boost metabolism. Greens can also refer to green tea with powerful ingredients that aid in weight loss and management. Such ingredients stimulate one's metabolism and blocks fat absorption at the same time. Hence, a lot of people who has weight issues are looking at the mounting evidences that point to the weight loss benefits one can derive from regularly drinking tea.

Random Check

People with weight problems are often confronted by the fact that using diet pills may be harmful for their health and that's because of the unhealthy ingredients they pack the pills with. A random check though of any diet pill package would show that one of the ingredients they declare they use is green tea. This clearly indicates how the consuming market values the proven benefits of green tea weight loss results.

Burn That Fat the Natural Way

What's in green tea that gives it the ability to burn fat? Remember that among the four types of tea, only the green one skipped the oxidation process? The absence of this ingredient-draining process allowed the tea leaves to retain most of their healthy ingredients. This is why, high concentrations of catechin polyphenols are found in this fat-burning drink. Catechin polyphenols are compounds that work in collaboration with the other chemicals in the body to increase fat oxidation and thermogenesis (the process of creating heat in the body by burning fat) levels. You may check ebooks which are available online for free if you want more details about thermogenesis. The polyphenols in the tea drink if taken on a regular basis can boost metabolism and burn fat in the most natural and safe way.

Role of Polyphenols in Losing Weight

In cases when excess amounts of triglyceride is synthesized out of the consumed food (sugar and fat) and carried into the bloodstream and other tissues in the body, they convert to fat which causes a person to increase his weight. The abundant polyphenols activates the enzyme that causes the excess triglyceride to dissolve. A process like this happening inside your body can bring about benefits of green tea weight loss results over a certain period of time.

Role of EGCG in Metabolism

Another powerful antioxidant, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG has been proven to stimulate metabolism and consequently accelerate weight loss. EGCG works with caffeine, which is also found in tea, to stimulate the central nervous system into processing fat as body fuel through the process of thermogenesis. Earlier researches pointed to caffeine as the only ingredient that caused this process. Recent studies showed, however, that the EGCG contained in green tea stimulates thermogenesis more than just caffeine. The synergistic work of EGCG and caffeine increased 24-hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

Is Tea All You Need to Lose Weight?

Is Green Tea enough? If you are not expecting any instant results and are not quite conditioned for exercise or changing diets, drinking five eight-ounce cups of tea everyday will burn 90 calories. Do your math and set your weight loss objectives. It will most likely show you that you will lose about 10 pounds in a year by just drinking tea - no exercise, no change in diet. The number will increase if you add exercise and healthy diet to your tea drinking regimen.

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