Fruit And Weight Loss - What You Need To Know

In order to succeed with your diet it is very important to focus on fruit and weight loss. Fruit is one of the healthiest foods available on the market today and is an essential addition to any program. Not only are they low in calories and high in fibre but they are rich in antioxidants which help to repair the body and fight disease.

The top fruits which should be included in your weight loss program include:

1. Grapefruit
2. Watermelon
3. Strawberries
4. Raspberries
5. Cantaloupe
6. Apples

When it comes to fruit and weight loss, the best way to consume the fruit would be to eat it whole rather than just drinking the fruit juice. This way you get the benefits of the fibre.

There are so many benefits to including fruit in your diet, some of which include:

1. Reducing the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.
2. Reducing the risk of cancer.
3. Reducing inflammation from different types of arthritis.
4. Lowering blood pressure.
5. Maintaining healthy weight.
6. Increasing the body's energy.
7. Reducing the risk of Alzheimer's.
8. Boosting your immune system.

Research has proven that eating 5 portions of fruits and vegetables every day contributes to a healthy and balanced diet. There are many ways to incorporate more fruit in your diet;

1. Eat an apple before you go to work.
2. Include dried fruit such as raisins in your cereals, bananas are also a very good option.
3. Eat a fruit salad as a snack.
4. Always have some small pieces of fruit at your work, for e.g. plums, mandarin oranges, peaches. These are a great alternative to the chocolate in the vending machines!
5. Have 1 glass of fruit juice per day (to get more of the benefits of the juice, try and drink your it on its own, do not drink while eating a main meal).

To learn more about fruit and weight loss [] go to []. Here you will find lots of great weight loss advice and tips which will kick-start your weight loss program.

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