Raise Metabolism - Lose Weight

For over 5000 years the tai chi masters of China and the yoga gurus of India have studied methods to energize the body and calm the mind. These holistic practices sometimes have a tendency to appear a bit esoteric or mysterious in the mainstream science-based, physical performance culture of the West. However, if one delves a little deeper into the study of these arts, one finds there is a wealth of knowledge available that is very pertinent to living a healthy, balanced life. Physical fitness is a major concern of people today, and by exploring these ancient traditions we may find the insight that will complement our scientific knowledge and provide us with another valuable tool for achieving better health.

Metabolism and the metabolic rate should be of the utmost importance for many people in our hectic, distracted and overweight culture. Metabolism is the process whereby the body converts food into energy or stores it as fat for future use. The metabolic rate determines how efficiently that energy is burned and determines the number of calories needed to burn in order to fuel essential bodily functions and keep the organs and tissues in working order. In simple terms, if we have a faster metabolism we burn calories more efficiently and store less fat. If we have a slower metabolism we burn calories less efficiently and therefore store more calories as fat.

However it is wise to recognize that raising metabolism without regard to the natural bodily circumstances can have a detrimental effect. While the simplest and most effective method for raising the metabolic rate is to exercise, it is important to understand that harder workouts do not necessarily mean a faster metabolism. The effect of exercise on the body will be different depending on body type, lifestyle and genetics. Learning to raise your metabolism properly can have a dramatic effect on your overall health and well-being. You will be able to bring all of your bodily systems into balance.

Aaron Hoopes is the creator of the Zen Anti-Diet, a program of mindful eating for health, vitality and weight loss.

Website: http://www.zenantidiet.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_Hoopes