Tips for Losing Weight Fast With Knowledge

Take Off Pounds Quickly but Safely

There are two paths to losing weight fast. Fad and crash diets are popular and sometimes effective but must be done safely. The right choice, however, is to eat right and exercise.

When faced with a high school reunion or a weekend trip to the beach, losing a quick 10 pounds may be desired. Many diets deliver fast results and can be done safely if guidelines are followed. As always, it is wise to check with a doctor before beginning any weight loss plan. A physician can discuss many options for safe, fast weight loss and assist in choosing the right program.

There are numerous "crash"diet plans that promise quick weight loss and some are more effective than others. The rapid weight loss diet plans are short-term solutions to get rid of unwanted pounds and in order for the diet to be effective it is imperative that the diet's instructions are followed exactly. Other important things to consider when wading through a sea of diet information include: how much does the diet cost, is it a diet you can stick too and does it have positive reviews from people who have shed pounds quickly? "Crash" diets include low carb, juice fasts, and cleansing and elimination plans.

The Scarsdale diet promises quick results with a low carb, low-fat and high protein plan. A strict 14 day menu has to be followed to the letter. On the plus side the menu does include common foods. The diet does have a downside. Most of the weight lost on the first 14 days is water weight and not fat, thus the weight returns quickly after the diet is stopped. The Three Day diet is another low carb diet option. On this diet a strict menu is followed and is a good way to take off pounds if you only have a few days to do so.

The Lemonade Diet and the Hollywood Diet are both juice fasts. The lemonade diet requires drinking 100 ounces of lemonade a day and an herbal laxative at night for ten days. This diet rids the body of toxins and facilitates rapid weight loss. The Hollywood Diet, which only lasts for three days, requires drinking only juice. Eight pounds can be lost in the first two days alone.

Crash diets can be effective for very short periods of time and are not recommended for long-term use. With many of the above mentioned diets, the weight loss comes from water and not fat so the results are short-term as well. However, there is a way to lose weight quickly, safely, and keep it off.

Medical doctor, Michael Dansinger, from the hit T.V. show The Biggest Loser, says "there is nothing wrong with losing weight rapidly as long as you do it the right way." He goes on to say that losing 20 pounds a week is realistic-just like on the show. However, most dieters do not have a team of doctors and personal trainers to assist them in losing pounds-so the best way to rapid weight loss is just simple mathematics.

Losing weight requires burning more calories than what is consumed. It is recommended that to lose 1 to 2 pounds of fat a week, a dieter needs to cut 500 calories from their diet. To lose 3 to 5 pounds a week, calorie intake should be no more that 1200 a day combined with one hour of exercise daily. To begin, however, multiply your total weight by 7 to get your recommended daily calorie intake. For example, if a person weighs about 200 pounds, calories consumed daily should not exceed 1,400.

What about exercise? Leading up to the reunion or trip to the beach, one hour of cardio exercise should be executed each day. Further, if the diet is going to be more long-term, it will be advantageous to add in 2 to 3 hours of strength straining. Remember, the level of difficulty of the workout will depend on the current level of fitness of the dieter. It is always advisable to begin slowly and gradually work up to workouts with a higher level of intensity.

Rapid weight loss can be accomplished two different ways. Crash diets can provide immediate results; however the diets are not long-lasting and cannot be maintained for any long period of time. However, a safe approach for losing weight fast includes healthy eating, daily exercise and cutting back on calories.

Losing weight requires diet and exercise. There's no magic pill but supplements can help. Check out some of the newest weight loss programs and tactics that are out there at [].

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