The Role Of Whey Protein and Weight Loss In Bodybuilding Cutting Cycles

Millions of people struggle with losing weight or more specifically as far as Bodybuilding is concerned, losing Fat, every single day, and you may be among those who are wondering if there is indeed a positive relationship between whey protein and overall better body shape. Recent research into the benefits of whey protein indicates that it may indeed prove to be valuable as a weight loss and specifically as a fat loss aid. Among other things, whey was shown to support satiety, improve insulin sensitivity, and optimize your muscle mass. These benefits are all essential for weight loss.

Not Just For Bodybuilders...
For better appreciation of the relationship between whey protein and weight loss, let us look at how it supports satiety. You may have noticed feeling hunger pangs several times in a day, particularly in between meals. The problem with these hunger pangs is that they often lead to unhealthy snacking between meals, which in turn results in unhealthy weight gain. Whey helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time, so you no longer experience hunger pangs between meals. Even better news is that you feel full quicker, so you eat less than you usually do and stick to a clean diet.

Insulin Sensitivity Explained
As mentioned above, an improvement in insulin sensitivity is another factor in the relationship between whey protein and weight loss. Aside from this, studies have also shown that using this powerful supplement reduces plasma insulin concentration by as much as 40%. Both of these factors increased insulin sensitivity and reduced plasma insulin concentration and are associated with improved blood sugar control as well as with reduced fat storage, which is another key reason why whey protein is considered valuable for weight loss. The same study has even revealed that whey does not only promote weight loss, but it also slows down weight gain.

Muscle And Weight Loss - The Relationship
Finally, let us look at optimizing muscle growth as an important factor in determining the relationship between whey protein and weight loss. Experts have long found out that the composition of your meal right before a workout determines what your body burns as fuel during the workout itself. A recent study conducted in France revealed that consuming a shake just before working out makes you burn fat primarily as fuel during exercise. The study also showed that those who take in glucose-rich food before workouts burn sugar as fuel whereas those who drink whole milk burn both protein and fat. These results indicate that whey protein is indeed ideal for fat-burning.

If these weight loss benefits still do not convince you of the value of this most popular supplement, then perhaps its other benefits will. Research shows that aside from helping you lose weight, it also helps reduce stress levels, moderate cortisol levels, and promote healthy levels of serotonin, thus making you feel better overall. In addition to that, whey protein is also said to boost your immune function and aid in the fight against cancer. Bearing all these health benefits in mind, and taking into consideration the positive relationship between whey protein and weight loss, there really is no reason for you to continue doubting the importance of this nutrient in the maintenance of your overall health.

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