Weight Loss and Muscle Building - How Do These Go Hand in Hand?

Most people do not realize that weight loss and muscle building go hand in hand. Have you ever noticed that if a man and woman are trying to lose weight together that the man tends to lose weight faster? There is a reasonable explanation for this. You see men tend to put on muscle mass faster than women. When you have muscle your body must burn more calories just to keep it. So the more muscle you have then the more fat you are going to burn. We are going to add a few tips to your arsenal so you can build muscle and lose weight at the same time.

When you are exercising for weight loss and muscle building there are a few things you need to do. First when it comes to exercise you should be lifting weights at least 4 times a week. Make sure that you are hitting each muscle group directly only once per week to avoid over training. On top of weightlifting you need to be doing cardiovascular exercises at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes each time. This will keep the fat off while you are building lean muscle mass from the weights. Now when it comes to diet you will want to switch from 3 big meals to 6 smaller meals spread throughout the day. The reason for this is that it will speed up your metabolism which will help you burn more fat.

You will also want to be using supplements when you are looking for weight loss and muscle building. The main ones to use are protein, creatine, and Nitric Oxide. These will help put on the good weight known as muscle so that you keep the bad weight, or fat off of you.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_M_Donovan