Get Rid of Calories With 5 Basic Cardio Boot Camp Exercises

What do you do to lose weight and eliminate fat? Diet, eat healthy food and do exercise, right? You can do all those tricks to gain weight loss and have slimmer body. But, with doing cardio boot camp exercise, you'll be able to burn calories easily. Besides trouble-free to do and you can do it everywhere you want, it's really effective to support your goal.

Actually, you can adapt cardio boot camp exercise that you have taught from grade school gym class. Yeah, you can do the basic cardio work out that you already know. So, you'll not confuse to search the workout.
Just apply what you already learnt to get rid of fats in flash. If you don't know or forget which cardio exercise from your grade school that helpful to burn calories, here are the lists of 5 workouts you can do.

1. Knee-ups.
Stand tall with hold towel or medicine ball in one of your hands. Next, jump slowly with lift right knee, passing your leg under one hand to the other. Then, lift the left knee and rotate it fast back and forth.

2. Power Lunges.
Step the right food onward, incurvation both of your knees into lunge with front knee at 90 degrees angle. Pounding, rising and lowering your body in a few inches for 2 counts. After that, leap to switch your legs that make your left leg's position in front with knee curved at 90-degrees angle. Pulse before you jump to switch the legs.

3. Shoot Baskets.
To do this cardio, it doesn't matter you have basketball or not, because you can imagine it. Just picture that you hold basketball since you stand with knees slightly bent. Jump up and make motion as you shooting hoops with your arms. When you land on the ground, bend your knees until you can touch the floor.

4. Crab Walk.
Sit down with feet level on the floor and knees bent. Put your hands on the floor under shoulders. Lift off your butt. So, you are like in tabletop position. Then, create straight line from shoulder to knees. Move forward by crawling in 8 counts combine with back for 8 counts and right for 8 counts. Keep crawling with crab walk in square formation until the time is up.

5. Burpee Plank.
It is an up and down cardio train which also know as squat thrust. This movement will make you sweating like you do the real boot camp exercise. To do this work out, you can start with stand as legs hip-width apart. Curve your knees to place your hand on the floor. Hop back into plank and do a pushup. Leap your feet back toward hands. And go up again as doing jump jack.

To burn calories fast and get the result immediately, you can try each of those exercises for 60 seconds. Repeat each workout as you can.

Know more about cardio boot camp exercises in Sure Victory [], or you can visit our website [].
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